Saturday, February 26, 2011
MARCH 1, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Some helpful sites include:
Thank you for your patience with this project. I look forward to displaying the students museum in the front entrance of the school.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Poetic Devices Definitions
Poetic Devices
feelings or meanings conveyed in the poem
Not so much what is being said but how it is said
a grouping of two or more lines of a poem in terms of length, metrical form, or rhyme scheme.
Provides order and an expectation of closure
A comparison between two unlike things using like or as.
“My love is like a red rose.”
A comparison between two unlike things without using like or as. Something is something else
The doctor inspected the rash with a vulture's eye.
Giving human qualities or characteristics to animals or inanimate objects
My shoes are killing me.
Repetition of initial consonant sounds in a group or words close together
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Repetition of a vowel sound
The eagle lived free and easy.
Overstatement or exaggeration
I will just die if I do not go to the party.
On object or idea that stands for something else.
Common symbols for love are roses and hearts. A dove is a symbol for peace.
The use of words which imitate sound
Buzz, tweet, ping
Words that appeal to the senses.
Creates vivid mental pictures (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound).
The voice in the poem (not always the poet).
Provides focus.
a seeming contradiction in two words put together
Jumbo shrimp
Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21, 2011
“David Shepherd, Travis Price and their teenage friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied…[They] took a stand against bullying when they protested against the harassment of a new Grade 9 student by distributing pink T-shirts to all the boys in their school.
‘I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Mr. Price, 17, who organized the pink protest. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.’
So Mr. Shepherd and some other headed off to a discount store and bought 50 pink tank tops. They sent out message to schoolmates that night, and the next morning they hauled the shirts to school in a plastic bag.
As they stood in the foyer handing out the shirts, the bullied boy walked in. His face spoke volumes. ‘It looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders,’ Mr. Price recalled.
The bullies were never heard from again.”
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Legions's Public Speaking Event on Sunday February 20, 2011. In the Primary division we were well represented by Skye, Mitchell Jeremy and Keira. In the Junior division we were represented by Tiana, Emma, and Miranda and in the intermediate we were represented by Melora, Annie and Mikayla. Many people commented to me what a great showing General Lake made this year. Special congratulations to Jeremy and Miranda for placing second in their division. Well done General Lake!!
This week the Grade 1 and 2 students are working on their plays, as well as reading the story of Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman by Alan Schroeder.
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Grade 6 Adventure Stories
One day my friend and I went for a walk. Then all of a sudden a door appeared in front of us.
"I wonder where it goes?" said Morgan.
"Maybe we should go through it."
We stepped through the door. First thing we noticed was we were under water. Then a shark was in the nearby distance. The shark said to follow him, so we did!
Right in front of us was a giant palace with sea horses, sharks, sea turtles and fish. Pearl, the Queen of the mermaids, gave us a scroll.
It said, "Please help me! I lost my voice and I can't find it."
So we told the Queen we would help her find it.
So we set out on our journey. We were swimming for hours, then we saw a bright light and heard someone signing. We saw a giant octopus. She had Queen Pearl's voice. Morgan tried to grab it. What a surprise she got it! We swam as fast as we could. Queen Pearl thanked us for finding her voice and she granted us a wish and we were home. The End
Farkles by Sydney
One day My sister, Scribble and I were walking in a tropical forest when we heard a loud roar behind us. We turned around and saw a pink sparkly dinosaur!
"Run!" yelled Scribble.
Scribble and I started running really fast, but the dinosaurs legs were longer than ours and it caught up to us easily.
"Shut it, please" yelled the dino.
Then we got quiet. We heard the big roar, but it was coming from the dino's tummy.
"Sorry," said the dinosaur, "I'm very hungry. Do you happen to have something to eat?"
"Nope," said my sister, "We didn't know that we would meet a hungry dino." "Who are you guys, anyway?"
"I'm Doodle," I said.
I'm Scribble." said my sister.
"Cool!" said the dino." "I'm Jube-Jube. Pleased to meet you!"
In the following days Jube-Jube, Scribble, and Doodle became good friends.
The End
One day my friend Julia and I went on a walk. We decided to go in the forest. We didn't really know where we were going because we hadn't been there before but we didn't have bread crumbs. We just kept walking. We went pretty far and we were both tired and hungry.
"Julia, do you know the way home?" I said.
"How am I supposed to know?" complained Julia.
"Of course," I said, "All you have been doing is facebooking the whole time!"
"It's not my fault. I'm trying to update my Farm on Farmville!!"
"Whatever!" I said "Let's just try to find our way back home."
"I think we're going the wrong way."said Julia.
"Well , sorry. I didn't bring a map, but there wouldn't be a way of..."
I cut her off. "I know Julia".
It had been hours and we were both tired and hungry.
"Julia...Julia? Julia wake up", I said.
"Huh cookies." said Julia.
"What?" I said.
"I smell cookies!"said Julia.
"Ow!" I screamed, "You bit me!"
"Sorry", said Julia.
"Hey, I see somebody. OVER HERE!!!" we both screamed "It's Taya and Maria!"
"Are you guys lost too? Julia asked.
"Yep, we can't find our way out," said Taya.
"I smell cookies!"said Maria
"I told you," said Julia.
"Follow the scent", said Taya.
"I can see the light," I said.
"Grandma!" Julia and I screamed
"A way out, we found a way out by cookies," said Maria.
"Yum..."said Julia.
"Hi Grandma, we're all starving. Can we have a cookie?" I said.
" Of course but what happened?" said Grandma .
It's a long story" we all said.
And we all fell asleep on our plates of cookies.
Forest Adventure by Taya
All four of the girls screamed and ran.
Sydney said, "OKAY, I think we can stop running now!"
"But I'm still scared!" Sydney and Jada were very scared!
Then Jada screamed, "Maria!"
Then Maria says, "WHAT??"
Jada said, "CELLPHONE! Where is your cellphone? Call for help!!!!...You do have your phone don't you????"
"Yes..ohh yeah. Who do you want me to call?"
"I don't know call anyone who would know what to do or how to help us!"says Sydney.
Maria says "Okay, well ummmm. How about Erin? She might know."
They are calling Erin. Erin picks up the phone. She says sleepily, "Hello, who is this?"
"It's Maria, Sydney, Jada and Julia", they all say.
Erin says "Okay, well where are you in the forest?"
Jada says, "I don't know!"
Sydney says, "Near a hole!"
"Okay I'm coming!" Erin says.
They hear footsteps.
"Hey! I told you I would be hear soon!"says a familiar voice.
"Thank-you Erin. You came super fast!"
Then Erin saved them. "You know you should have put out bread crumbs!"
"Whatever Erin!" says Sydney.
Then they all walked out of the forest. The End
"Good idea", said Popcorn.
So they all went and picked a green mushroom. We took it to the dino and said, "We brought you a green butterfly!"
The dino ate the mushroom. He started to say "this butterfly is nasty, what is...."But he never finished because he started to puke up butterfies. Finally we saw Jada and Tub come out. "Woah, that was nasty." they both said and they rushed off to the river to wash off all the dino puke.
"Well that teaches you not to call a dino fat,"said Popcorn, as they rushed off to find Tub and Jada.
Will you be my friend? by Kyle
Once upon a time there was a twelve year old boy named Mr. K. He's been looking for friends for his whole life. This story started with a walk in the park, and like always Mr. K was looking for a friend.
Then he saw someone leaning on a tree. Mr. K decided to ask him if he wanted to be friends. But right before he was going to ask him, he knew that person.
Mr. K started to shake. It looked like he had guts in his pants. Russell had no interest in being his friend.
Walk in the Woods by Dominic
One day my friends and I went on a walk in the woods. It started getting dark so we headed home.
"It feels like someone is following us", whispered Liam.
"It is just the wind" I replied.
As we walked home Liam and Russell noticed that someone was walking toward us pretty fast! A couple of seconds later he started chasing us.
"Run", I yelled.
We hid for awhile after ditching the man and we left Liam running away from him. When we got home we told our parents and we went looking for Liam.
"Whoops!"I said in my head. After three hours we heard his voice.
"No,no, let me go!"
Liam was in a hut deep in the woods trapped by the hobo.
"Call the cops!"said Mom
No, we shouldn't. He'd probably run away,"I said. to myself and after constantly filing the rope with my Mom's nail file, Liam was free and we ran home!
Spots and Dippie by Zoey
One day Jada, Maria, Sydney and I went to the pink sparkly caves in Africa. We walked into the cave. When we walked in a cheetah jumped out.
"Halt, who goes there? said Sydney.
"My name is Spots," said the cheetah.
Then all of a sudden the cheetah fell through the floor of the cave.
We all looked through the hole and we yelled "SPOTS!".
"MEOW!"yells Spots.
"Oh no, Spots fell down the hole", said Jada.
"Are you okay?" I said.
"Yes," said Spots.
Spots was okay. The girls all jumped down the hole to save Spots.
When they got down there, they saw the most amazing thing ever...
"DINOSAUR! we all yelled.
"AHHHHH HUMANS" yelled the dinosaur.
They ran away. Then Spots ran after the dinosaur and told her to stop.
"What's your name?" said Spots.
"My name is Dippie", said the dinosaur.
"Well, its nice to meet you" said Spots as we caught up to them.
"Hi, Spots, it's good that you made a new friend, but we need to get you out of here," said Sydney.
"I know", said Dippie, "Climb on my back!"
"Okay", we all said.
"Finally home", I said. The End
Park Adventure by Russell
One day my friends and I went on a walk in the park. We saw these guys that were drunk. Kyle got really scared because they started walking towards us. So we ran away and we got lost.
We didn't know where we were. Kyle got so scared he wet himself. The guys that were drunk were catching up to us. So Kyle climbed a tree and waited until the guys walked by. Then we got out and ran the other way which scared me even more.
Then they said that I was drunk but I said no. I called the cops. They were on their way so I made a trap to catch the guys that were drunk because they looked like the robbers that had escaped from jail and were never seen again. I climbed a tree but they saw me, so they were waiting for me at the bottom of the tree. But the cops came and they hit the trap. It was to make them hit a bench and fall down and that's what happened. Then the cops came and took them away. I went home and told my parents what happened. They didn't believe me one bit. I wonder why. The End
Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 15, 2011
Dear Parents/Guardians
Another great week in the Core English. Students practised and performed their storytelling and speeches. So many students did such a great job. It was a really difficult task to pick only three from each class to participate in our school-wide public speaking events. COngratulations to the following students who will present in the gym on February 16 at 9:30 am: Komal, Gbolu, Lauren, Skye, Breaelle, Emma M, Mitchell St, Rebecca, Tanner, Angelina, Jeremy and Farati.
Grade 1 Printing worksheet Reading Program
Grade 2 Printing worksheet Reading Program
Grade 3 Cursive Writing Home Reading Program Black History Invention Project due Feb 28
Grade 4 Cursive Writing Home Reading Program Black History Invention Project due Feb 28
Grade 5 Home Reading Program Black History Invention Project due Feb 28
Grade 6 Home Reading Program Black History Invention Project due Feb 28
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 8, 2011
1 penny = one pencil
2 pennies = one eraser
15 pennies = one notebook
$2 or $3 = one teacher’s salary for one day
$20 = one student’s school supplies for one year
$600 = one teacher’s annual salary
$5,000 = support for existing school for one year
$50,000 = one school building and support for up to five years
(Source: Central Asia Institute)
Students in Core English have been busy practising their public speaking. Students in Grades 1 to 3 have been practising and presenting their storytelling. Students in Grade 4 - 6 have prepared a speech on their own individual topic. Official presentations will begin on Friday. Good luck to everyone. Most effective public speakers in the primary division will be asked to present in the gym on February 16 at 9:30. I will let individual parents know if their child is selected. On February 17 the speeches will be presented at 2:40 in the gym. Again I will let individual parents know if their child is selected. Thanks to everyone for their help.
The Peer Mediators have just begun their duties on the kindergarten and primary playground this week. They voted on their name and they are now officially the 'YARD PATROL'. The grade 5 and 6 students are very excited with their new role. Any feedback is welcome as we are always trying to improve. I will be training another group of students after the March break. I already have a huge list of interested applicants. Thanks to everyone for being so enthusiastic and working so hard to learn their mediation skills.
Finally another young group of General Lake leaders have demonstrated initiative by proposing a canned tab collection. The idea was originally proposed by former student (Morgan), then Brianna, Zoey and Mikayla have quickly taken on the cause. Watch for more details, but for now please start collecting your pop tabs. The tabs are converted to money to buy wheelchairs. The girls have investigated this idea and more information will follow. Until then, Save Save Save!
Grade 1 (No reading books have been distributed) Printing practice; Storytelling (Something From Nothing)
Grade 2 (No reading books have been distributed) Printing/Spelling practise; Storytelling (Something From Nothing or their own story)
Grade 3 (No reading books have been distributed) Cursive; Storytelling (Individual books)
Grade 4 Cursive; Speeches
Grade 5 Speeches
Grade 6 Speeches
Have a great week!