Dear Parents/Guardians
I hope everyone had a safe and restful holiday.
Don't forget to return those fundraising orders in this Wednesday. The money we raise is all going toward Smartboards for the classrooms. I will continue this week adding technology to my classes. The students are very enthusiastic about these lessons, although they could be so much better with the Smartboard. I am hoping it will inspire everyone to commit to getting smartboards for the classes.
Grade 1 Sight word review (Students have chosen 8 words from the list that they need to practice. Students who have mastered all grade level words have created a list for spelling practice) Home reading program
Grade 2 Sight word/Sentence writing (Students who ave difficulty with some sight words will choose 8 words to practice for the week. Students who have mastered the words, have picked 8 words to practice spelling. Home reading program
Grade 3 EQAO work to be returned on Thursday Home Reading Incentive Program
Grade 4 EQAO work Home Reading Incentive Program
Grade 5 EQAO work Home Reading Incentive Program
Grade 6 EQAO work Home Reading Incentive Program
Have a great week
Ms. Legault
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
(Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
Sometimes when you're reading a story
The words are not all there for you
So being a good book detective
Will help you to find any clue
Infer! Infer!
Filling in what is not in the book
Infer! Infer!
It's taking a much closer look
Some authors leave clues in their pictures
Some authors leave clues in their text
They give you just part of the story
And want you to fill in the rest
Infer! Infer!
Filling in what is not in the book
Infer! Infer!
It's taking a much closer look
Sunday, April 17, 2011
April 17, 2011
April 17, 2011

We have also been continuing our work with inferring. Students participated in a read aloud of 'Something Beautiful' by Sharon Dennis Wyeth. This moving picture book offers a shining testament to the ability of human beings to find "something beautiful" in even the most unlikely places. As a follow up students then learned 'The Infer Song', which I have enclosed on the blog and on the back of this newsletter.
Happy Easter!
This week in the Primary Core English I will not be assigning homework due to the holiday.
Just so you know, in the Primary and Junior classes we have been discussing Non fiction writing and its features including captions, glossary, index and table of contents. Primary students had the opportunity to explore non fiction writing, while the Juniors are designing their own brochures. You can help at home by drawing your child's attention to these features and discussing their purposes.
This week I have been introducing the classes to different media clips that I downloaded from the Ontario Educational Resource site that I recommended in the last newsletter. Ask your child about the technology they have viewed in the classes. The students seem to respond enthusiastically to these lessons. I have downloaded them on my laptop and I project them through my projector on the screen. These same resources can be accessed more effectively through a Smartboard and could be more interactive with touch screen capabilities.
The Parent Council is currently organizing a fundraiser to help raise money to equip the school with Smartboards. I strongly encourage everyone to support this initiative to help support our students. There's a variety of products available in the brochure and the more money we raise, the more technology we can purchase. I would love to see every classroom in the school equipped with this technology. Orders are due April 27th. If 100 people sell just twenty dollars through the holiday we'll have just about enough for 2 Smart boards. Imagine what can happen if we all participate!
Finally be sure to check on the blog for updates on our classroom visitor. Three students wrote some information about Chippy. More information to come, as I post the Primary 'Diary entries of a Rat'. Thanks to all the students for their hard work in completing these.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday!
Ms. Legault
All about our friend Chippy
Chippy is very calm. Chippy is a Russian Blue Rat. I think he is cute. People think rats are ugly. People are wrong. Rats are very smart. Emily M
Chippy is a Russian Blue rat. He is very calm. He is cute. He has a long tail. He eats seeds, carrots and lettuce. My Mom thinks rats are scary. Chippy is a boy. He is 5 months old. When he is really stressed red liquid comes out of his nose. I hope he never gets stressed at our school. Emily N
Chippy likes to play hide and seek. He likes to twitch his nose. He likes to eat a lot. He likes to climb. Chippy likes kids. He likes to go in his dome. He likes to smell kids. Jeremy
Stay tune for our 'Diary of a Rat' coming soon.
Monday, April 11, 2011
APRIL12, 2011
April 12, 2011
Thanks you to all students who handed in their contest entry for the Waste Recovery Centre Recycling Contest. I will get those delivered and I will let you know as soon as I hear of any winning entries.
Just a reminder the Book fair is going on in the school this week April 11-15. Come on out and support the school by purchasing some of the excellent books available for the students.
Our character trait this month is Perseverance.
Students in grade 1 and 2 are invited to create their own journal entry/diary entry for our new friend Chippy. I have enclosed the worksheet. Students may decorate the page as they wish. I have reminded students to use their Pre-primer/Primer word lists to assist with spelling.
Grade 1 Diary entry Reading A-Z program
Grade 2 Diary entry Reading A-Z program
At a workshop on the PA day I was lucky enough to attend a workshop on the EQAO assessment and best practices. As recommended by the presenter, I am including all students in the EQAO Prep homework. It is no longer considered a grade 3 and 6 assessment, but rather a primary and junior assessment and the format and review will be beneficial to all students. I will introduce the work on the first day. Students bring it home to review with parents to give you a better idea of the expectations. Students will return their work on the designated day for review. I will then be able to address the gaps in their learning. I will begin this next week for the grade 1 and 2 students.
Grade 3 EQAO Prep/ Home reading incentive program
Grade 4 EQAO Prep/Home reading incentive program
Grade 5 EQAO Prep/Home reading incentive program
Grade 6 EQAO Prep/Home reading incentive program
Finally, another resource I was introduced to on the PA day is the Ontario Educational Resource Bank. It is a password protected web site with resources for teachers, students, and parents of students in Ontario District School boards. I will send home the user id and password in the newsletter. As it is an Ontario resource funded by the taxpayer, we have been asked to keep passwords protected. You can access the website at
Thanks for your support.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
April 5, 2011
April 5,2011 Dear Parents/Guardians, A short week at General Lake with the PA Day on Friday. Students in the Core English classes were excited by an unexpected visitor to their class. He's furry and friendly and he seems to be adjusting well to the classroom environment. His name is Chippy and he is a Russian Blue rat and he seems very excited to be in the classroom. The students have shown great respect for his needs keeping the noise down. He is part of our introduction to nonfiction writing and text features. Text features are parts of a text that help the reader locate information and learn information. Students are learning to identify features such as captions, bold/highlighted words, glossaries, table of contents, photographs, labelled diagrams, charts, index, maps, headings, titles, fonts. You can help your child by drawing their attention to these features in their reading and discussing how they help the reader. We have finished all the sight words to the end of grade one. Please continue to review the sight words at home. Homework Earth Day Contest Entries due April 14, 2011 Grade 1 Reading Grade 2 Reading Grade 3 At Home reading Incentive Program EQAO Prep Grade 4 At Home reading Incentive Program Return 'Student in Good Standing' Form for Yard Patrol Grade 5 At Home reading Incentive Program Return 'Student in Good Standing ' Form Grade 6 At Home reading Incentive Program EQAO Prep Enjoy your week, Ms. Legault
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