Happy Easter!
This week in the Primary Core English I will not be assigning homework due to the holiday.
Just so you know, in the Primary and Junior classes we have been discussing Non fiction writing and its features including captions, glossary, index and table of contents. Primary students had the opportunity to explore non fiction writing, while the Juniors are designing their own brochures. You can help at home by drawing your child's attention to these features and discussing their purposes.
This week I have been introducing the classes to different media clips that I downloaded from the Ontario Educational Resource site that I recommended in the last newsletter. Ask your child about the technology they have viewed in the classes. The students seem to respond enthusiastically to these lessons. I have downloaded them on my laptop and I project them through my projector on the screen. These same resources can be accessed more effectively through a Smartboard and could be more interactive with touch screen capabilities.
The Parent Council is currently organizing a fundraiser to help raise money to equip the school with Smartboards. I strongly encourage everyone to support this initiative to help support our students. There's a variety of products available in the brochure and the more money we raise, the more technology we can purchase. I would love to see every classroom in the school equipped with this technology. Orders are due April 27th. If 100 people sell just twenty dollars through the holiday we'll have just about enough for 2 Smart boards. Imagine what can happen if we all participate!
Finally be sure to check on the blog for updates on our classroom visitor. Three students wrote some information about Chippy. More information to come, as I post the Primary 'Diary entries of a Rat'. Thanks to all the students for their hard work in completing these.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday!
Ms. Legault
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