Monday, April 23, 2007


Hi. My name is Abdirashid and I will be telling you a story about the Boys Book Club trip. The people in the Boys Book Club from Room 11 are Roman, Anosh, Ms. Zarkovich and Ms. Legault. From Room 12 there was Jordan, Ahmed, Johnnie, Kyle, Philip T, Philip D and Ms. Borselli. We were all ready to go but we had to wait for the Supply teacher to come. Her name was Ms. Mann. We got our passes to wear and we were ready to go. Then Ms. Legault found out the bus had not arrived yet so we had to wait. While we were waiting I showed the class a magic trick. I made the person on the five dollar bill smile and frown. Then the bus came. The number was 9255. When we were in the bus there were people already in from another school. Everybody went to the back of the bus for the bumps. I got very sick on the bus. On the way we saw Woodbine and we saw a big tent outside. I first thought it was a circus, but I eventually found out they were selling clothing. When we were driving the bus, the bus driver said we had to go to Beaumond Heights to pick up another school. Then we finally came to the Boys Book Club Conference at the Holiday Inn.
It was very big and it was easy to get lost. Ms. Borselli said we had to go to the Main Ballroom. While we were walking we saw a swimming pool. Then we went downstairs and I saw the most amazing thing in my life.....the bathroom. Just joking! It was an arcade. I was so excited but we could not go. Then we finally got to the main room and we saw Eric Walters. He told us that he was the author of many fiction books that have tigers and sports in them. He told us he used to coach basketball and hockey. Then he showed us all the pictures of the books he wrote. He told us to write abut what we know like he did. The next speaker was Jeremy Jerome. His brother was a NBA player. Jeremy wanted to be in the NBA so he could get respect. But eventually he discovered that he could get respect by reading and writing books, so that's what he did. Jeremy taught us a song about reading to succeed. When it was over we had lunch. We ate pizza with chips and orange juice. Some people ate chips on their pizza. It made me sick. Then when we were done we got to buy books. Then we were going to see an illustrator. It was so cool. He showed us a skeleton of his sister...which was really just a joke. Then he showed us some ways to draw a dragon. But before he started he wrote cat on the board. Everytime he read, he thought the letter C was talking to the letter A and T was waiting for the bus. Then he wrote chat on the board and thought the C was wondering why the H was talking to the A and the T was still waiting for the bus. Then it was time for him to draw the dragon. The first step was to draw the snakes skeleton. Then he put horns on its head. Then draw a beak and teeth. At the end you have to attach the lines. When we were leaving I got his autograph. Then we went to the main room and we saw Q-MAC. I went in front of the rows. Q Mac did alot of basketball tricks. I especially like when he got a pole and put the spinning ball on the top and he made it almost touch the ceiling. At the end, he handed out some cool prizes like head bands, bandanas, wrist bands, videos and books. Then we went to the last room to see the storyteller Aubrey Davis. He told us 3 stories: the story of Jack; Bagels from Benny; and Nazerdin. I liked Nazerdin. He was a funny character. He always acted very silly. I asked if I could have his autograph, but he said another class was coming. It was time to leave the conference. I reminded Ms. Legault the bus number was 9255. We had a hard time finding it, but eventually we found it. When we got in the bus, Ms. Legault handed out our loot bags. In it, I got a FM Radio attached to a pen and two books called Quit Cut and Fun and Games. When we got off the bus I said Bye to the bus driver and thank-you for driving us. I went into the class, got my homework, then went to French. Now here I am doing my homework and this is my journal of today. The End