Friday, May 11, 2012

May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012
Dear Parents,

Thanks to everyone who supported our Education evening event on May 10th.  Studies show that if parents demonstrate that they value education and support the school it has a positive effect on student achievement.  It was a wonderful fun-filled and informative event compkete with pizza, fitness, our cheerleaders and superdogs as well as facepainting and mini manicures.  Lots of prizes were awarded and families had a chance to view our bookfair.  Thank you to everyone for  making the event successful. 

JK/SK Students continue to work with sight words. I am using the instructional program outlined by Mary Lou McKinley that focusses on word families through the Chalk and Sock strategy. I am sending home our latest shared reading called At The Farm'. Please practise reading this book with your child. I have introduced a new book called 'I'm Glad I'm Me'. Students are also practicing their printing using the Handwriting Without Tears' Program.  We are in the process of assessing your child's reading skills and I will send home some information shortly.

Grade 2 Students in Group 1 have completed all the word family work through the Chalk and Sock Strategy.  All of the students are now using this strategy to work on spelling sight words. We have begun exploring the features of different forms of text including a narrative (Robert Munsch books) Non-fiction text and a Recipe. Please take some time to explore this genre with your child and draw their attention to these text features. We are in the process of assessing your child's reading and I will send home information shortly.

Grade 7/8 Students have completed their  fiction novel by Caroline Pignat called 'Egghead'. Students have been exploring characteristics of fiction including characters and conflict.  Students will also have an opportunity to pick their own fiction novel to read. Students have been given information about the culminating task.

Thank you and have a wonderful week.

Debbie Legault

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